Conflict is inevitable. By focusing on the people at the center of the cultural and organizational changes, Method 44 will help your business thrive.
Many organizations find that, despite good intentions, initiatives to solve conflicts often fall short. The key is to take time to find the root of the problem. Negativity and poor attitudes break down team structures. Small issues can develop into larger organizational challenges and lead to significant financial losses, negative work ethics and potential lawsuits.
The Method 44 approach is an in-depth process customized to your needs. It’s much more than a one-time consultation; we teach employees to communicate better and work effectively together. Our teaching process offers long-term solutions through simple self-management tools. Our goal is to empower your employees to take control of any situation, in any work environment.
For change to happen in your organization, we must first get to the root of the problem by exploring the underlying issues that are driving problematic behavior. We focus on what’s most important: the people who make your business run. Together, we challenge all employees to study their behavior so they can be efficient and productive.
We’ve helped organizations and employees adopt a larger perspective by examining the systems of your organization and how they help – or hinder – organizational goals. We challenge employees to adopt authentic, positive attitudes to work effectively with others.
If you’re ready to learn how Method 44 can help your company change and grow, contact us at 952.926.6929 or email us at